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How to Add Google Translate Widget to Blogger Website


Hi Guys, Welcome to ItThemeWorld. The present article is about 'How to Add Google Translate Widget in Blogger. The Google Translate Widget attempts to make an interpretation of blog articles into different dialects. So that blog guests who come from different nations can peruse articles on the blog without the need to reorder the article into the interpreter page.

In reality, each program as of now gives an interpretation, for example, in google chrome we simply need to tap the three spots at the upper right and select decipher, or on the other hand if through the work area we simply need to right tap on the mouse and select interpret. 

Then, at that point possibly you inquire as to why we need to put it on the blog, the appropriate response is very straightforward, in light of the fact that not every person comprehends the web, and perhaps there are still individuals who don't understand that the program has given an interpreter. 

This google interprets gadget has really been given on blogger design possibly none of you have acknowledged it, you simply need to go into the format and add the gadget, and later there will be an interpretation choice, however, I don't suggest this strategy since it will trouble the blog stacking.

How To Install Google Translate Widget?

Step 1. Search for the code ]]></b:skin> on your theme and paste the following CSS Codes just above it

.goog-te-banner-frame.skiptranslate,.goog-te-gadget-simple img,img.goog-te-gadget-icon,.goog-te-menu-value span{display:none!important}
.goog-te-gadget-simple{background-color:transparent!important;background:url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 24 24' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cpath d='M20,5H10.88L10,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H11L12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M7.17,14.59A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 3.08,10.5A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 7.17,6.41C8.21,6.41 9.16,6.78 9.91,7.5L10,7.54L8.75,8.72L8.69,8.67C8.4,8.4 7.91,8.08 7.17,8.08C5.86,8.08 4.79,9.17 4.79,10.5C4.79,11.83 5.86,12.92 7.17,12.92C8.54,12.92 9.13,12.05 9.29,11.46H7.08V9.91H11.03L11.04,10C11.08,10.19 11.09,10.38 11.09,10.59C11.09,12.94 9.5,14.59 7.17,14.59M13.2,12.88C13.53,13.5 13.94,14.06 14.39,14.58L13.85,15.11L13.2,12.88M13.97,12.12H13L12.67,11.08H16.66C16.66,11.08 16.32,12.39 15.1,13.82C14.58,13.2 14.21,12.59 13.97,12.12M21,20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21H13L15,19L14.19,16.23L15.11,15.31L17.79,18L18.5,17.27L15.81,14.59C16.71,13.56 17.41,12.34 17.73,11.08H19V10.04H15.36V9H14.32V10.04H12.36L11.18,6H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,7V20Z' fill='%23161617'/%3E%3C/svg%3E") center / 12px no-repeat;-webkit-transition:all .2s ease;transition:all .2s ease;background-size: 20px 20px;display:inline-block;font-weight:400;line-height: 1.8;padding:0 6px;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;vertical-align: middle;-ms-touch-action: manipulation;touch-action:manipulation;cursor:pointer;-webkit-user-select: none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;border-left:none!important;border-top:none!important;border-bottom:none!important;border-right:none!important;border-radius: 4px}
''If the position of the widget does not match with your template, please set the CSS that I have marked above -
margin-right:5px; - The bigger the value, the more the icon will go to the left.
margin-top:15px; - The bigger the value, the lower the icon will be

If your template has a dark mode feature, and if you want a different color when in dark mode, please add the CSS below. Each template can have a different dark mode class, so please adjust it, you can just adjust the part that I marked.

.dark-mode .goog-te-gadget-simple{background-color:transparent!important;background:url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 24 24' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cpath d='M20,5H10.88L10,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H11L12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M7.17,14.59A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 3.08,10.5A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 7.17,6.41C8.21,6.41 9.16,6.78 9.91,7.5L10,7.54L8.75,8.72L8.69,8.67C8.4,8.4 7.91,8.08 7.17,8.08C5.86,8.08 4.79,9.17 4.79,10.5C4.79,11.83 5.86,12.92 7.17,12.92C8.54,12.92 9.13,12.05 9.29,11.46H7.08V9.91H11.03L11.04,10C11.08,10.19 11.09,10.38 11.09,10.59C11.09,12.94 9.5,14.59 7.17,14.59M13.2,12.88C13.53,13.5 13.94,14.06 14.39,14.58L13.85,15.11L13.2,12.88M13.97,12.12H13L12.67,11.08H16.66C16.66,11.08 16.32,12.39 15.1,13.82C14.58,13.2 14.21,12.59 13.97,12.12M21,20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21H13L15,19L14.19,16.23L15.11,15.31L17.79,18L18.5,17.27L15.81,14.59C16.71,13.56 17.41,12.34 17.73,11.08H19V10.04H15.36V9H14.32V10.04H12.36L11.18,6H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,7V20Z' fill='%23fff'/%3E%3C/svg%3E") center / 12px no-repeat;-webkit-transition:all .2s ease;transition:all .2s ease;background-size: 20px 20px;}

Information : 

  1. To change the widget icon just change the part I marked like M20.5H10.
  2. To change the icon size edit the part I marked like 20px 20px
  3. To change the icon color change the %23161617. Here %23 is a # sign so don't delete it.

Some Other Icon

M20,5H10.88L10,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H11L12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M7.17,14.59A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 3.08,10.5A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 7.17,6.41C8.21,6.41 9.16,6.78 9.91,7.5L10,7.54L8.75,8.72L8.69,8.67C8.4,8.4 7.91,8.08 7.17,8.08C5.86,8.08 4.79,9.17 4.79,10.5C4.79,11.83 5.86,12.92 7.17,12.92C8.54,12.92 9.13,12.05 9.29,11.46H7.08V9.91H11.03L11.04,10C11.08,10.19 11.09,10.38 11.09,10.59C11.09,12.94 9.5,14.59 7.17,14.59M13.2,12.88C13.53,13.5 13.94,14.06 14.39,14.58L13.85,15.11L13.2,12.88M13.97,12.12H13L12.67,11.08H16.66C16.66,11.08 16.32,12.39 15.1,13.82C14.58,13.2 14.21,12.59 13.97,12.12M21,20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21H13L15,19L14.19,16.23L15.11,15.31L17.79,18L18.5,17.27L15.81,14.59C16.71,13.56 17.41,12.34 17.73,11.08H19V10.04H15.36V9H14.32V10.04H12.36L11.18,6H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,7V20Z
M21.35,11.1H12.18V13.83H18.69C18.36,17.64 15.19,19.27 12.19,19.27C8.36,19.27 5,16.25 5,12C5,7.9 8.2,4.73 12.2,4.73C15.29,4.73 17.1,6.7 17.1,6.7L19,4.72C19,4.72 16.56,2 12.1,2C6.42,2 2.03,6.8 2.03,12C2.03,17.05 6.16,22 12.25,22C17.6,22 21.5,18.33 21.5,12.91C21.5,11.76 21.35,11.1 21.35,11.1V11.1Z
M17.9,17.39C17.64,16.59 16.89,16 16,16H15V13A1,1 0 0,0 14,12H8V10H10A1,1 0 0,0 11,9V7H13A2,2 0 0,0 15,5V4.59C17.93,5.77 20,8.64 20,12C20,14.08 19.2,15.97 17.9,17.39M11,19.93C7.05,19.44 4,16.08 4,12C4,11.38 4.08,10.78 4.21,10.21L9,15V16A2,2 0 0,0 11,18M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z

Step 2. Now add the following HTML Codes where you want to add Google Translate Widget.
<div id='google_translate_element'></div>
Step 3. Now add the following JavaScript just above to </body> tag. If you don't find it it is probably already parsed which is <!--</body>--></body>.

var lazyts=!1;window.addEventListener("scroll",function(){(0!=document.documentElement.scrollTop&&!1===lazyts||0!=document.body.scrollTop&&!1===lazyts)&&(!function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript",e.async=!0,e.src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/choipanwendy/[email protected]/translate.js";var a=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];a.parentNode.insertBefore(e,a)}(),lazyts=!0)},!0);
function googleTranslateElementInit(){new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage:&#39;id&#39;,includedLanguages:&#39;en,id,vi,zh-CN,th,ru,ms,ko,ja,it,hi,fr,es,de,ar,tr,jw,sn&#39;,layout:google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE},&#39;google_translate_element&#39;)}$(&quot;.hover&quot;).mouseleave(function (){$(this).removeClass(&quot;hover&quot;)});
"The part I marked like en, id, vi, etc. are the language code you want to display, you can delete it if you feel you don't need that language. And the part like page language:&#39; id, is the language code of your blog, adjust it according to your blog language.

The following are the language codes that you can use.

Code Language
id Indonesia

jw Jawa

su Sunda

en English

vi Vietnam

zh-CN China (Aks. Sederhana)

zh-TW China (Aks. Tradisional)

th Thailand

ru Rusia

ms Melayu

ko Korea

ja Jepang

it Italia

hi Hindi

fr Prancis

es Spanyol

de Jerman

ar Arab

ps Pashto

pt Portugis

hmn Hmong

hr Kroat

ht Kreol Haiti

hu Magyar

yi Yiddi

hy Armenia

yo Yoruba

ig Igbo

af Afrikans

is Islan

am Amhara

iw Ibrani

az Azerbaijan

zu Zulu

ro Rumania

ceb Cebuano

be Belarussia

bg Bulgaria

rw Kinyarwanda

bn Bengali

bs Bosnia

sd Sindhi

ka Georgia

si Sinhala

sk Slovakia

sl Slovenia

sm Samoa

sn Shona

so Somali

sq Albania

ca Katala

sr Serb

kk Kazak

st Sesotho

km Khmer

sv Swensk

sw Swahili

ku Kurdi

co Korsika

ta Tamil

ky Kirghiz

cs Ceko

te Telugu

tg Tajik

la Latin

lb Luksemburg

cy Wales

tk Turkmen

tl Tagalog

da Denmark

tt Tatar

lt Lituania

lv Latvia

ug Uyghur

uk Ukraina

mg Malagasi

mi Maori

ur Urdu

mk Makedonia

haw Hawaii

ml Malayalam

mn Mongol

mr Marathi

uz Uzbek

mt Malta

el Yunani

eo Esperanto

my Burma

et Estonia

eu Basque

ne Nepal

fa Farsi

nl Belanda

no Norsk

fi Finlandia

ny Chichewa

fy Frisia

ga Gaelig

gd Gaelik Skotlandia

gl Galisia

xh Xhosa

pa Punjabi

ha Hausa

pl Polandia

ps Pashto

pt Portugis

ht Kreol Haiti

is Islan

lo Laos

or Odia (Oriya)

gu Gujarati

tr Turki

. . .
* If the code does not work or you’ve faced any error/problem then please download the source code files from the given download button.

Dowload Widget Code

About the Author

Student | Blogger | Youtuber

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